Friday, March 30, 2007

Oh Em Gee

It has been WAY WAY WAY too long, friends! I've been SO busy! It's true!

Lets work backwards, shall we?

I got in late Sunday night from Edmonton, where I spent all weekend rocking the fuck out. I was mostly there for my Mom's 50th birthday, the party of which was a blast. Arriving on Thursday, I beelined to Da De O for amazin' cajun eats, and then straight to the Black Dog for pints. The power of smell never ceases to amaze - it's definitely the most underrated sense. River and I had a great talk about just that - memories can flood back, familiarities intact. It's a beautiful thing to smell a freshly poured Grasshopper and the smell of Black Dog's booze-soaked pub wood. Or the elevator at my old job. Or the (very surprisingly) unique smell of the Edmonton LRT. Scents contain love, bitterness, fondness, excitement...and I'm missing it.

Not overly though - it was amazing to see what (because it wasn't ALL) has changed - some people, some buildings, some parks...otherwise, home was left as I remembered it. I told Edmonton to stay rad, it did. Thanks to everyone who made the weekend what it was. The shaker at kHz on Friday was particularly amazing - solid tunes, sweaty dancing, excessive drinking and yelling at traffic. Y'know, fun. Mega extra special thanks to Greg and Cam for throwing said shindig.

I have lots more to report, but I'll give you this for now. I'm loving my new job, I just bought a condo (!!!!) with Leah tonight, I saw an incredible band last night, and I bought tickets to DAFT PUNK W/THE RAPTURE this morning.

OH, and Justice is playing tomorrow.

Life is good. Smile like you mean it.


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