Wednesday, January 31, 2007

You turn 25, yr all outta escapes!

I have a hoodie that has an all-over print of a puzzle. The pieces interlock over my back, down my arms and over my head. When I wear it, I sometimes feel metaphoric, enveloped in a delicate framework of assembled bits that fit into each other, completing a larger picture.

The larger picture is my life. The pieces are what makes it up. Suddenly they don't seem to fit as well as they used to. Friday will mark my last day of employment at Six Shooter. I know, it seems crazy that I'd move all the way out here, uprooting both Leah and I's life, to work for 4 months and then have it end. It's not my fault, nor theirs. Sometimes circumstance is the boss.

So I have options. Plenty of them. I could travel, work, play, sleep, hang out naked all day, work out till I bleed, anything. Douglas Coupland talks about 'option paralysis', that when faced with a myriad of choice, one loses control of being able to choose fairly and objectively. (Whether objectivity even exists is another question, but I'll leave that up the post-structuralists)

There's a new LCD Soundsystem disc out on March 20 called "Sound of Silver". I got my grubby little hands on an advance copy, and I'll just say this: it's bloody amazing. I'll post a full review once it's released, so it's all...proper and fair-like, but the title of this post is a quote from a song called "Watch the Tapes"...another track, "All My Friends" is stepping into the pantheons of "the best songs ever written"...for reals. There's new music on zee myspace. Check it. Brooklyn Vegan has some neat shots of the video shoot. Check that too.

I'll get my busy mind outta your face for a while. I have a whole week off to do a whole lotta nothing next week. I'll blog your fucking face off.

I'm going to leave you with something that popped up on my iPod this week as I was walking home in a blizzard, traffic whizzing by me and the moon burning a bright light against the street. It was all glittery and warm, like the song Moon, by Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakamoto, from their stunning album "Insen" (emusic). I dunno why it's in m4a format, but you non-iTunes kids will just have to deal. Sorry. Have a good weekend.


Blogger sharky said...

what are you gonna do now post toronto?

ps you should move to vancouver now.

February 01, 2007 4:21 PM  
Blogger miss vanilli said...

Eli, your hoodie sounds amazing. You are amazing. I'm sure you'll find something awesome to do with yourself - whether it's a fulfilling job, or returning to the world of higher learning. You will win!

February 20, 2007 11:05 PM  

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