Wednesday, February 07, 2007

the unemployment diaries: day three/four

Day 3, 2:45pm:

MSN'd 'til 4 AM.
Slept 'til noon.
Ate some mini wheats.
Discovered this:


Though hardly as 'whoah' as finding ANAL BEADS (WARNING: link NSFW) at GOODWILL this morning. Richard and I freaked out, took a (soon to be posted) picture and left, nay, FLED.


LOST is back. I'm stoked.

For the fans only...check this piece of genius.

I'm kinda saddened that I've become a person that gets excited to watch TV. That reminds me, I have some Six Feet Under to catch up on...


Day 4, 7:28 pm

It's been a good day. I woke up not abnormally early...for a Saturday, on a Thursday and one by one knocked the fuck down a list of errands needing a whoopin. Car:fixed. Treadmill: demolished. Closure with my old job: satisfied.

But I still don't have a job. I found out yesterday that a job I had excitedly applied for went to an insider. So it goes.

I'm off to Ottawa for the weekend, leaving tomorrow. Gonna visit the lady...she's there for a course. It's leaving me secretly jealous of her short reminder of what it's like be in school. I've been left to ponder the 'what ifs...' of life lately, and I'd be lying to say I haven't thought about going back to school. The process is daunting. So it goes.

I don't care what anybody says, I really love Youth Group.

On the other hand, I also really love Hiretsukan.

Oh crap, I'm also totally into dance music too.

Fuckin' JUNOS!

Give then all a shot, let me know what you decide.


Blogger frenchy said...

that kid! anal beads! lost! this shit is golden dude. seriously.

February 15, 2007 3:10 PM  

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