Saturday, September 30, 2006

7, 5.

7 days left. Stresses are rising and falling. Things are wrapping up. Having one last everything is tiring. I'm having teary goodbyes. Lots of promised visits. One by one, the obstacles are falling and now there is 7.

7 days until my life veers sharply off in another direction. I already have the new haircut and shoes to go along with it.


Suddenly, it's 5 days to go. I cleaned the car today. My life is in about 2 dozen boxes and crates. Leah's life is in...many more than that. It's interesting to pack my life up, which is about one room's worth...Versus Leah, who has an entire condo to pack. It's a decidedly bigger task. If this move didn't seem real yet, it completely does now. There are several 'last' things coming up. One last dinner with the hippies. One last show to work.

Then we pack the truck. Then the truck leaves. Then we leave. Tears and hugs a'plenty.



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