Sunday, August 27, 2006


you're right, it HAS been a while. I feel like I've been busy doing a whole lotta nothing. Catsitting. Internetting. Beer drinking. Reconnecting with previously missing bros. Trying to ignore certain hard goodbyes. Twiddling my thumbs as things fall into place. I sense Fall falling into place. The nights are cooler. The days are dry and hot.

Plans for the move are progressing - we have the means, the end, and the bits in between are just...there. It's funny to think that all this time in Edmonton, all it took was for me to stop trying for an excuse to move, and it happened. Between now and then, are...dates.

Tomorrow, sister comes to town. Stoked.
Tuesday, DJing on the Wooftop, avec Miss Mannered.
Next weekend, yard sale.
September is looking insane. So much work. So many things to do, parties to throw, friends to say goodbye to. Realizing that I likely wont be back here at xmas bums me out a little, but I'm excited to come back to a city changed.

Maybe it's wishful thinking that things will change when I leave...moving away from Edmonton feels like I'm breaking up with a good friend. I know the ties will be there, but it's hard to wrap my head around calling a different city 'home'. When I was there in the spring, Toronto felt so cold and alien and metropolitan. Now I'll be the alien in the sea of glass and steel, just as winter creeps under my clothes. I'm SO looking forward to the pursuit of an excellent americano on a snowy day, scrabble in kitchen nooks and remembering what it's like to not be a stresscase.

6 more weeks. 42 days today.

I claim to have nothing to do. I have too much to do.

To get me there, I've been crafting a list of things I want to do this includes:
-starting a music writing/mp3 blog.
-finding spots to DJ in the big smoke.
-learning to run (for the first time in 13 years).
-buying, and riding a nice new bike.
-falling deeper in love, once we shake the stress off.
-feeling like a better Eli.
-make lists like this.

Chins up, friends.
Like this dude.


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