Tuesday, January 09, 2007

wha hah-pen?

Whoah, how did 9 days disappear? It seems as though we're well into our new year. Neat!

I've heard that many people's New Years parties/happenings were disappointing. Sorry to hear that, friends!

Mine was fucking awesome. Starting off with some deelish eats at Wish with our best boyfriends Keith & Richard, Leah and I headed off to The Social to see Diplo. Wow wow wow wow wow. He was incredible. The bomb of the night: a Scotty B & King Tut remix of Paul Simon's "You Can Call Me Al". It was stunning to hear that synth line blast through the room and have every person born in the 80s cheer with recognition. He even dropped out the chorus so we all could sing along. What a showman; he dropped Windowlicker, Percolator,and SOOOO much baile funk. It was awe-inspiring, really. We shook it steady till 3 AM then meandered (as we tend to when incapacitated) to an after party simply called "NYE! FUCK YEAH!"(Flyer), where the Dip-meister was to make an appearance on the decks around 6 AM. We waited it out in the parking lot to try to get in, but to no avail. No biggie - we ended up meeting some colorful characters, and some NEW FRIENDS! This was maybe the best part of the evening...being outside, sweaty but warm in the cool air, chatting with strangers about their nights. It reminded me of being a 16-year old raver, doing exactly the same thing...and here I was 10 years later.

Some things never change.

In fact, maybe that'll be a theme for early 2007. The year change becomes...repetitive.

Like...I'm running again. The last time I ran with any level of regularity was when I was 12. Or...uh...there's NO WINTER HERE. Or at least no snow, and the last time that happened was 1986 when I was in Mexico!!

See! See?

Ok, I'm grasping at straws. Fine.


I'm reading Leonard Cohen's "The Favorite Game" right now. What an amazing book. Back when I was much more 'up' on my literature, I would marvel at some writers ability to load SO much emotion such few words. My friend Laura used to say of poetry, "Minimum words, maximum impact." She's right. This is the first line in the book:

Breavman knows a girl named Shell whose ears were pierced so she could wear the long filigree earrings.

Of course, context counts - but it's this kind of language that HOOKS you from the get-go, making you itch for more. I like that I'm reading fiction again - it seems like University, with it's big ol'textbooks and mandatory-reading lists turned me off of THE NOVEL, for some reason...whatever it was, it wasn't good enough. I'm back at it, and loving it.

Speaking of games (kinda)...Leah bought me the game of Go for Hannukah, and we finally cracked it open the other night. First off, the game is ancient - like, maybe the first real GAME that still exists today. Second, they say that no two games of Go have ever been alike - that every game is completely unique in its opening and closing, and games have been known to continue for days, weeks even. It took us a while to get it rolling, but the game seems like a cross between checkers, chess, backgammon and Risk, where board space is land, and your pieces are guardians, protecting it. I like that idea.

I hope this finds you warm and happy, friends-o-mine.

Oh geez, I almost forgot. Edmonton - I'm coming for a visit. April 5. Get ready.


Blogger frenchy said...

my NYE was pretty damn good actually, minus the sudden onslaught of food poisoning... but up until that fateful moment, i was golden. anyway, go is a pretty amazing game, though i've only played a few times. also, glad to hear 07 is good so far. xo to you & the lady.

January 10, 2007 5:53 PM  
Blogger er1cng said...

ATARI is taken from GO:

Atari (当たり)

"Atari" (Chinese: "dachi (打吃)"; Korean "dansoo (단수)") is a term used for a situation where a unit has only one liberty, and may be captured on the next move if not given one or more additional liberties. It can be a verb to describe the act of placing a group under atari, as well as an adjective to describe the status of a group, as being "in (the state of) atari". It may be spoken aloud during the game by the instigator, as a courtesy to call the opponent's attention to the fact that his stone or group is endangered; but that is now considered obsolete etiquette of the game and is not common practice.

picture here:

January 14, 2007 2:31 PM  

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