Thursday, May 25, 2006

bounce boing sproing

I've had WAAAAYYY too much coffee today.

I'll be brief. This is the best news I've got all week...from bitchdork, erm...Pitchfork:

Tortoise Reveal Box Set Details

Kati Llewellyn reports:
Not to go all biblical on your bottoms, but remember that New Testament story where Jesus brings Lazarus back from the dead? Aside from religious beliefs, this tale resulted in the coining of "Lazarus taxon," "the paleontological term for a species that disappears, then reappears in the fossil record," according to a dictionary. OK, we lied, it's according to a press release. Not surprisingly, the name Tortoise have bestowed upon their upcoming rarity-packed box set, due August 22 on Thrill Jockey, is A Lazarus Taxon. Righteous.

Though the collection's title has changed from the previously reported Rhythms, Resolutions, & Clusters, and the set's release date has been pushed back from April, it still centers around 1995's out of print Rhythms, Resolutions, & Clusters. Weighing in at a whopping four discs, the set includes three CDs filled to the brim with rarities, remixes, and bonus tracks, as well as a DVD containing various Tortoise music videos and live performance footage.

I guess I didnt have a blog last summer when I met up with Tortoise in Calgary and did a wee minitour with them for a couple o'days. Some of the nicest guys on earth, and easily one of my favorite bands of all time. In honor of this forthcoming box set, I'm sneaking a track to you from favorite Tortoise song, Why We Fight.

It's only up for 7 days from May 25 - and it's an m4a, so you'll need iTunes.



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