Friday, May 05, 2006


I'm typing awkwardly and gingerly. My right hand and elbow are wrapped in gauze; they both got friendly with some neighborhood gravel last night, the drunk bastards. Seems I was riding the longboard home, and got the idea that I could outrun this van on my board, and when he came too close, I swung into the shoulder, into a pile of sand.

wham bam boom.

fastforward 8 hours. I'm at the doctor's office, just having had gravel scraped out of an open wound on my hand with a RAZOR BLADE, and about to get a tetanus shot and for SOME fucking reason, I bring up the whole Russian Torture thing. I must have been delusional from too many Advils, or too much endorphins. The doc, totally wide-eyed and kinda weirded out about my rant, opens her mouth to comment on how young boys are beaten into submission, and I think to myself,

Yes, you're still kinda afraid of doctors. Run for your life.

I bolt from the room, grab Leah and we ditch.

Now it's night, and I'm somewhat numbed on Tylenol and Lucky, an excellent combo for curing minor pain, and I've stumbled across this, where I find THESE:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Impressive, huh? Now THAT's pain.
I'm more and more impressed by the lengths I see people going to to modify their bodies. Don't get me wrong - I got mad respect for body art, but whoah; sometimes, I just gotta say whoah.

but I digress.

my cellphone also met its' bitter end last night, as it was in my front pocket when it became the middle of a road-and-thigh sandwich. I have a new one now
it's got some kinda wacked out inset keyboard thingy for speed-texting. great.


Aw, I don't mean to bum you out.
here, listen to this. It'll make you feel better.

Weekend, friends. Weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kiddo - since you've updated your blog, i had/have something to read/do tonight while i partake in my cherry beer.
the graphix on the beatsinspace site are pretty much the flyest, cutest little things evs.
heal fast. l8r sk8r

May 05, 2006 9:36 PM  

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