Friday, February 10, 2006

Rocks and other hard places

I need to get some shit of my chest.

I seriously want to fucking get all HULK!SMASH! today. I'm getting ousted from my office to make room for the Edmonton office of our calgary sub-company...I've known this was coming, but didn't know when or how; and so last week, at our staff meeting I was told that it would be this coming monday that I'd be out, and they'd be in. I was to share an office with a co-worker, which was annoying at first, but I decided it would be ok as long as the transition was seamless.

it wont be. the calgary guy who's supposed to be ordering me a desk, hasn't. when I tried to expresss my frustration to him, he just cut me off and shot me down. I feel like I can't really turn to anyone else in the office because it's not really any of their concern, nor should they care. But in the end I feel like a refugee, kicked out of my 'place' with nowhere to go or work, except the boardroom table, which s.u.c.k.s., is phoneless and NOT AN OFFICE. I'm just frustrated that it seems like this transition affects nobody but me, and so nobody else cares, nor should they, really.

The second thing I feel like I need to vent about involves friends, heartache, heartbreak and dirty rotten scoundrels. I can't and won't go into the details here, but I've basically done some minidetective work and found out that a old friend of mine is being cheated on by her long-term boyfriend. and the more I dig into it, the more shit I find out about this guy, and about the 2 or 3 other girls he's been with recently. Because of the randomness of my discovery, I feel like I don't know whether or not to tell this girl about her philandering partner, or if I'm just MISSING something here, like maybe it's an open relationship, or maybe he's that.

Hrm. I don't know if I feel any better. I feel even more heavily weighed upon by this all. I feel like charlie brown, thinking he's FINALLY got the ball this time. But no, no he doesn't.

Have a good weekend, friends.


Blogger frenchy said...

hey dude. sorry about all the work stuff. that sounds mighty frustrating.

re: the other thing, i think you should tell her, or at least ask her what the status is with her relationship (in case it is non-monog or whatever). cuz as someone who was once cheated on for a long time, and where everyone knew but me, i know that it sucked when i found out and then realized no one had told me. esp. if he's being a jerk in other ways you know??

February 11, 2006 1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



I hope you feel better.
And tell Poncho from cow-town to order you a MUTHA F*ING DESK!

February 11, 2006 11:07 PM  
Blogger michelle. said...


that's all i got...

all weekend that's all i've had.

February 12, 2006 11:34 PM  

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