Sunday, January 08, 2006

Things fall apart. (Then fall together.)

Things are coming together suddenly. January is like that. It's Sunday, I'm kinda bored, so here's a stream of consciousness.

I hung out with my youngest sister today for a few hours, somewhat by random. I found her on MSN when looking to assemble a breakfast posse and she was online, so I invited her out and we ended up spending all afternoon together on Whyte ave. Kyra is 15 and awesome. I took her to Broken Social Scene recently and she loved it.. I've felt like I've needed to better my relationship with my family, and it starts with her. Again, not a resolution, but a plan.

I've realized that I might actually like artichokes after all.

I found an mp3 of a rad rad rad song that I've been looking for forfuckingever. It's called "Tears" by The Children Of The Mission, this german soul/reggae band from the late 70s. You'll recognize the hook instantly.

I'm dating someone I like. Alot. For lots of reasons. It's all very surprising to me still, but its superfun, and it's making me happy.

I've been tying up loose ends in my life. Clearing up misunderstandings, inaccuracies and dishonesties; moving past old bullshit and avoiding the creation of drama.

Work is about to consume me. I'll be alone in my office for the next 2 weeks as my co-workers tan on beaches thousands of miles from me and eachother. I'll be doing work for 4 in the coming weeks. INTENSE.

The light of the end of the tunnel is my OWN vacation that I'm looking forward to SO SO SO SO SO SO SO much. So much. So. Much. I fly to Montreal on Feb. 20 to visit my sister and hang w/my mama. There, I'll be seeing Animal Collective, AND AND AND Belle & Sebastian w/The New Pornographers(!!!). Holy Crap, huh? it only gets better. I go to Toronto for Canadian Music Week, a work conference involving shows and beer. How sad. The showcases havent been announced yet, but I know of one with Holy Fuck w/Shout Out Out Out...the icing on the cake is that instead of flying home on the 5th when the conference is done, I'm flying to Vancouver for 3 days and seeing (one of) MY ALL TIME FAVORITE BANDS EVER (srsly, ever), STEREOLAB.

Then I come home to work for the next 6 months straight, highlighted perhaps by a trip to San Diego in August for MaryBoo's wedding.

Life is funny sometimes...everything falls apart, just to fall back together again.

ps: updated with new shows!


Blogger michelle. said...

i'm glad 2006 has started off well for you! you totally deserve it, being awesome and all...;)



January 08, 2006 10:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Man. I can't believe you get to see Animal Collective and Belle and Sebastien. I hate you.

Okay I don't hate you.

January 12, 2006 8:46 AM  

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