Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dirty Work - An Apology

THIS IS A RE-BLOG(is that a word?) from myspace. my first few blogs will be reposts, so I can archive them here...sorry if you've seen this before.

Dear Brad...chances are you won't ever read this, but it makes a good story, even if I am really sorry.

well, first, it wasn't my fault.

we (my friends kent and sara) got megahammed at No Means No on friday night, and took a cab back to Kent's house to smoke a joint or some such deal and I went to the bathroom and heard this "whack! whack! fwwwwwwwwhack!" over and over from the living room...and so I go out and kent and sara are throwing combs (yes, combs) into the ceiling fan and watching them splinter and get blown to pieces.

Combs become pens.
pens become a vhs copy of the movie "dirty work" (ironically, a movie about pranks).

Dirty Work gets thrown into the fan..it breaks in half sending 2 reels of VHS tape in opposite directions which sara and I pick up and decide that this is pretty much the best result ever, and...decide to wrap the whole inside of the house in VHS tape. like everything. couches, guitars, the fridge, etc...it ends when we run out of tape, the fan is fully broken, and we've created a massive hanging sculpture out of tape, the broken casette, some combs, a beer bottle or 2 and a balloon animal (half popped).

(all of this goes on despite my oblivion to the overall neatness of the house, or the fact that I'm still wearing my shoes)

so at about 3:30, one of kents roommates comes home. while he's not SO mad, he's kinda like, "uh...clean up time?" and we were ABOUT to do just that when the OTHER roommate gets home, and in short, flips the fuck out. completely. screaming and yelling and trying to impress his new lady friend (who's facial expression was like.."uh, these are your roommates??!!") by kicking Kent out of the house (he later changed his mind) and that's when sara and I made our (un)graceful exit...

the only thing *slightly* cooler than this whole thing is that when we left the house we turned the corner to see a car freshly wrapped around a pole and a couple of scared and hurt teenage car theives running away from it. is that what they mean by just desserts?

anyways, that's the story. I'm sticking to it. I feel like an ass for trashing my friends' house while I was drunk, but in the end...funny?



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