Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday, Monday...

Sorry I've been MIA. Balls have been rolling, gears working in motion. Y'know.

I moved. I rocked out to Built to Spill 2 nights in a row. I shook it. I biked. I ate. I was visited. I spun out of control, gently, briefly.

Those are the headlines, now the news.

I MOVED! It's was a sweaty ordeal, involving friends, russians, a typewriter, many records, a freaked out cat and, at the end, some serious feelings of relief. It looked like this:

It wasn't my finest (looking) moment.

Shaking, biking, eating...same old same old. What's NOT old is visitors. I'll never get tired of seeing familiar faces pop by. Michelle is a friend from back home who made a point of stopping by the big smoke for a few days as part of an extended vacation, and I'm so glad she did.

We put "food, dancing & drinking" on the agenda and we did all three on the shores of mighty Lake Ontario. "Beats, Breaks & Culture" is a festival hosted by the Harbourfront Centre, and hosted performances by Shout Out Out Out Out, The Cinematic Orchesta, my ol'buddy Vitaminsforyou and the stunning genius of Keiran Hebden & Steve Reid. I've been waiting to see the latter project for years. I love the record. As Michelle pointed out, "there are Four Tet fans and then there is Eli"'s true. I have a man-sized crush on the dude. His music is so hypnotic and colourful, and with a live drummer, nay...a LEGENDARY drummer, his rhythms come to life with the concentration and ferocity of a lion waiting for the kill.

Speaking of killing - er...what a terrible segue. I offed a few livers on the weekend rocking the fuck out for my birthday. That's right, today I turn 27 and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. I'll let you know after its a 12-oz steak and 2 bottles of wine later. That's how I'll test my age, by how well I enjoy my meal tonight.

Thanks to everyone who made 26 a thoroughly confusing, challenging, exciting, tiring, invigorating, joyous, thrilling, adventurous and needless to say, life-altering year. You know who you are. Maximum hugs.


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