Monday, August 20, 2007


My cat's belly is heaving; she's near-comatose but twitching, her tail keeping a lazy beat on the tabletop. She, like the rest of the animals, can tell that the end of summer is creeping. The air feels different, crisper and easier to walk through. My bike seems to ride faster, like it's chilly and wants to get where it's going sooner, not later. There are leaves on the ground.

I'm getting ahead of myself. It's supposed to be +29 the day after next.

I've just discovered Mary Robison, thanks to Leah. She brought home a book of Robison's collected works today and I am blown away by her abilty to say so much with so few words. I sometimes forget just how efficient language can get - or as my friend Greg would say, 'there is much to be said for brevity.'

el oh el.

I don't have much to say. Some amazing bands were seen. Others are yet to come.

Edit: This just in - Amazing photos of said AIDSWolf show.

I leave you with this...

...and a request: I want to hear how everyone's summer has been, WITH a rating on a scale from A to 7.



Blogger Robert Brendan said...

Eli. I had no idea you had a blog. I think it's the lamest thing in the world. I still love you though. But God's sake Eli, no one cares that you took a bike ride. I mean, I'm your friend, and I dont care. If you told me you took a bike ride face to face, or anyone else for that matter, they'd probably say something along the lines of: "Oh, that's nice." Or somesuch. Just sayin.

Anyway, hope you are well. Hey! This is kind of a mini-blog of my own, talking about my reaction to reading your blog and how it interfaced with my day. I can't say I did anything too earth-shattering today, but I got some shit done. Like slavery does!

September 13, 2007 1:54 AM  

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